System Requirements — Supported Software
It’s very important for you to use the correct browser for your system, and keep it updated to the latest version. In general, using the native browser will work best, especially for resource-intensive applications like practice tests and case studies.
For MAC, this is Safari.
For PC, this is Edge.
We can not guarantee performance for customers that do not have a current operating system supported by Apple or Microsoft and/or cannot update to the latest version of current browsers.
Older versions may or may not work properly, depending upon the owner's maintenance and browser updates or extensions.
Please note that in order to receive support, we may require that you submit your system information. If you are having an issue with a specific page, please contact us using the in-page beacon.
You can also see which browser you are using and share the information with us at
Software Versions supported by Microsoft
Software Versions supported by Apple
Major Browser Websites
Chrome no longer supports older operating systems no longer actively supported by Microsoft and Apple, including:
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8
Please note that performance on older versions of Windows such as Windows 8.1 and 7 may vary according to service pack and updates, and you may not have the same level of performance as you will on updated and currently supported versions of Windows. We recommend updating to the latest operating system.
Firefox may have more support for older operating systems, so worth a try if you're using an older computer and having trouble with another browser, but otherwise please use the native browser or Chrome.
Update the software on your Mac
Edge / Internet Explorer
For the best user experience, we don't recommend Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported by Microsoft, but that you update your Windows version, then update to the latest version of Edge instead.