Qpractice Website and Course Updates

We're constantly updating Qpractice and upgrading our systems. You can follow our updates in the study group with the hashtag #QpracticeSupportAndStatusUpdates
  1. Lesson organization to follow the blueprints AND topical order and balance the workload. Those taking one exam will have weeks in between on the schedule to catch up.
  2. Lesson updates. Written and audio updates and updated lesson resources.
  3. Playlist reorganization to follow the lessons.
  4. Item tags for practice tests, so you know precisely what topic applies to any question you missed.
  5. Video vault organization to better follow the blueprints and lesson organization.
  6. Daily lesson quiz polls in the study group.
  7. FX/PX quiz items. Our entire team participates in creating these for FX, PX, & PRAC. As always, we have ongoing review and revision according to your feedback in the study group.
  8. PRAC item updates based upon test taker and member feedback
  9. Website design updates to make it easier for you to find your way around and get to all the resources you need. Three more new Case Studies on the way.
  10. Updates to blog articles and weekly study plan emails. 

If you are not already subscribed to our emails, just let us know here, and we'll be sure to add you.

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